Book 4 catching up with a goal!

So, it's been a couple of hours now since I've posted "relapse of voices",and the book that I've wasted so much time reading was finally over. Yes I'm talking about the psycology book, which to my best interest taught me at the end that everyone fails. The lesson which kept me from breaking my head over a simple problem, and that made me realize that I've got to move on. So I've decided to move on, and to choose another book from the catalog, but this other book wasn't going to be about my current everyday problems with the voices and the feelings I've been getting. This book was going to be about picking up were I left off, because even though my life has gotten a different path to follow or something, I felt that mathematics was a way of piecing together my life back. Now the mood has changed and everything seems gloomy, because proxy decided to be mad with me. Yea I know one of the most enthusiastic voices suddenly was mad at me.the Reason why this happen is a tragic story between me and voices, were she is getting money because of something she did. Although I think that this happened because she in a way made me believe that the difference between animals and humans is having a concise. That humans could be manipulated with the given resource. The idea seemed pushed to me and it's very important that you remember the word "push" because it will be seen in one of my posts as a word they use a lot. OK I know this !ay sound crazy but I think that these voices are anticipating what i want to say and the make !e believe that's what I was thinking when in truth it is not even close. It's like forcing the wind blow south of a windmill when the windmill should be steady.
