phone calls but no voices: a distress call from the voices

so its been a while now since i've receive a phone call from floral park and its been bugging me because all i hear from the other line is a silent caller from the other person. anyways today i got another phone call from Carrollton KY and without success the same silent treatment from the caller on the other line almost as if there were no one in the other line. This time the voices has gotten be insane with the same wad words and the threats that they are going to suffocate me. the only thing that might possibly help is to try and reason with them and tell them that there are other way of dealing with things, but even like that they have lately been acting on their own accords and not communicating with me just taking in what is convenient for them but not for one. for example, today i wake up because my mom calls me to get up and eat my breakfast around 7:00 am and the meal looked delicious the only thing, i was to down to even touch my food so i went back to bed. before my mom leaves she tells me that she is going to call and to pick up the phone like usual. i normally don't pick up the phone, but these past few days i picked up every phone call that have been made or so i think. so i went to lay down and as soon as i go to my pillow i get this annoying back feeling that like shaking and my back starts spasming like crazy i could only think of one thing which are the voices and the voices know what i'm thinking so all i hear from a guy voice is "let him" which makes me think that they don't really care what happens to me even more this time because the pain wouldn't stop. my entire morning is like this without sleep, because i could'nt sleep the days before and i could not catch some sleep this morning. until noon where all of the phone calls start coming in, and it first started with 516-514-8386 Floral Park and then 502-414-2599 Carrollton, KY. As i was calling them back i hear the voices saying things like "i don't know you" to the guy voice that always appear to be around, and when i forgot to check my caller id for the second number which has been erased i hear the voices say " eygribel you fail, (cortona park) or (floral park is where be going...." and then they stopped because i found out the number for Floral park in my web browser where i had a tab open in chrome. which reminds me, those tabs that i had open was because i was looking into the yellow page or a a webpage like that so that i can locate the owner of the phone number and consult them about the weird phone calls i've been getting from their phone. in my mind i also thought that it might have been the voices and with good reasons to, because when i was calling floral park some time again i heard the voices say "he's calling us again" in a bothered way. although in my opinion i think that the voices might have been faking it on the last quote because i get a feeling like they are some what different in the sense that they are part of something. even though when i was trying to sleep today i kept hearing them tell me its because of the money and that money is everything to them that it even rules the world. i even herd a guy say that nobody like to be bought and that this is just money. but they don't know anything about the world in my opinion, because you need to show love and get right with the people close to you before you even begin to worry about money. i would have loved to write some more about this day but the memory lost i keep getting is eating me up and i cant finish what i set out to due.
