The Dharma college and voicethoughts

so i was talking to the voicethoughts when i asked them where did they come from in the US and they responded to me this time. The person talking to me, e was telling me where did they come from and to me it all made sense a bit because its what they use all the time. so e told me they came from dharma which sounded like karma at first but it was dharma, and so i went on the computer and did some research. i found a website for the neuroscience here in the US and ive have forgotten the city and state because the voicethoughts wont let me remember, and i say this because every time i try and have some though i forget and get a big migraine like the one i get from hearing them. anyways i found out that they had connections with the university in Harvard in boston, and there college was present in their website for neuroscience. so the dharma college was showing me one result which was the one that made sense to me from the start that this is the one the voicethoughts are talking about and that is that it had a staff member named tom who was the director or boss in the research college, and the voicethoughts might of sounded like they were only joking around when they said it was it to me, but i felt like it made some sense because why else would they mention the college and react to the name tom when i have no experience with them.
