the old schizophrenic symptoms whithin

So there are some schizophrenic symptoms that I've haven't mention before, and those are the ones that cross my mind everytime I think of writing. I haven't yet told anyone about the blinking problem that I have. Well let's start by saying that it feels like diffrent people make my eyes blink. I would say that there's something making my eyes blink in the left side and a diffrent something making my right eye blink. Well, now fr you to understand this better I belive that there are two teams , and one in each side as they once told me so long ago the voicethoughts. The voicethoughts would sometimes get angry and make my eyes blink very strongly enough to make my face make a hurt expression in a way to say that they are mad about some thing. Other times I the voicethoughts act like a girl and blink repeatedly fast on both eyes as if they don't want to know about somethimg. Then there is the blinking once for yes and twice for no or so I belive. There is also the weirdest type of blinking and that is when they blink once for yes with a little bit of delay in time which makes me think that they are lying about something and can't tell me what is going on .
