M tells me about money

So M told me that the only way to get out of the voicethought case is by going to my money. Even though "my money" isn't really listening now because they decided that it would be better if they made money out of this situation instead of paying attention to the biggest issue now me. The other problem to this case is that i'm almost certain that M has something to do with the Voicethoughts, so how can i really trust him see? Then in the end the only way to stop this case from building up is by going to the people of the future or "future" as they call it, who could stop all of this supposably if they would find a way to do right and keep their head out of trouble. Finally the "future" made a tough choice of watching a "movie" or what they call some moment about my life that would change their choice. They were really caught up with this movie and gave in to the voicethoughts way of judging which brought me to think what else could be done. That's when M told me that the only way to stop it is by getting to the future's money which would supposably change everything. Although i think that M's plan along with the voicethought's plan is to get even the future's money involved in this case about the voicethoughts and that seems about it for their plan. This is the last thing i asked about what else could be done because when i asked for what else could be done about these voicethoughts they decided not to answer me. So besides that the voicethought have told me before that they killed my "computer" which would be something they think is a machine that stimulates my whole life like a movie and suppose to tell even my deaf, but they've supposably took a hold of it.
