Voices mock and attack

Today as i was sitting doing my work i hear the voicethoughts say I can't hear you and it was proxy. I honestly don't know what type of sick people would enjoy torturing others and for no reason at all i assure you. Its like they enjoy being an messed up in the brain group of individuals without any sense of liberty. Then afterwards proxy kept attacking me giving me pain all over my body and saying no puto to me. proxy has really got to stop! Or i think she'd be another sick minded person if she isn't already. I really wish i had my regular life like before i met them, where there was a plan to join the marine and not have any wrong ill'ed individuals torture me. I really can't trust any of these voicethoughts and i really wish they would be gone. I have tried every possible way to tell them to go away but they just don't care. As I was crying for help in my head of how much it hurts I hear proxy say I can't hear you and I get a really bad pain all over my body. I really don't know why I can't use my own mind to communicate of do any other function in the way i would have wanted or better yet in the way that it was before, but i hope one day I would be able to go back to how I was before because all I ever gotten from these voicethoughts is hurt and pain not to mention the corrupt way of theirs. I just hope this hate doesn't transfer to me, where i become a twisted minded manipulative sucker in life.
