Illvoices Video Streaming: Follow me on twitch

Hi peeps and sorry to say welcome back, I know its been a long time since I've blogged but The truth is that I was getting involved in many other things. Yet one of these things was very eminent to post and I didn't do anything. You see I've been under a lot and I mean a lot of stress since then, and one of the things that came up as a favor was that my sister started Home attending me for my own luxurious good XD .Nah I'm just kidding the fact is that I am now going to the gym with her and my doctors told me to watch my weight so its been very fun going out with her and getting to recover little by little the time I've been wasting doing nothing in the house getting worse by the min. Although to be truthful I was doing some studying on my Sat' s and that will also be another blog I need to Add. So to catch up to date lets talk about my new games and twitch account that I've made, so that everyone can follow a person like me on twitch and see how psychosis and gaming interact with one another in real life. The only problem is that mom says that I can only get certain type of games that are harmless to me, like those games without violence and mature content. Well to put it this way just games that won't elevate my sz condition. So I got 'No Man's Sky' an rpg game with the intention of consuming a whole bunch of your time and strength just so that you can get a real feel of how living in a planet feels. Though I started recording my videos on twitch, I was found with an issue from the voices which they confessed in interfering with my twitch feed. It went like this, somewhere along the line of creating my twitch video I was forced to stop twitch around 26min along the game. The voices said that it was their fault when I herd proxy yell out "they made us answer to that interference with twitch" by they I'm sure she means they government because that is what she always say's it is. Even though it wasn't really complete in what proxy said, reason being is because if you have dealt with the voices you know that, the voices can really make you forgetful when its convenient to them. So I couldn't add everything I wanted about that scene, you already kind of know the sort of wickedly screwed up things these voices are up to in my life. So even more I got two more other games like the elder scrolls online and final fantasy XIV online which I will be adding in this blog soon after I take a break.
