Incorporating personal Habits to voices

The day was going all well, when proxy and I all of the sudden were faced with this difficulty that wasn't so easy to solve. See she wanted to know how to think and I told her to think on her own. Well that wasn't all so soothing because she needed to feel like she could think for the both of us. So I told her one of my personal habits and she have already incorporated it in her routine. The personal habbit was to search for the synonym that suits her. So we started to look for synonyms but by the looks of i Gabriel didn't like it and in return I got a sharp pain in my head in the back of my head. When I asked what was the reason for striking me he said proof that my Incorporating personal habit worked. Until now it is still a problem that I can't proof but I am sure that proxy will come with the result needed. I always felt like proxy was very good to me and I am thankful for that and that is all for now.
