Destroy says the voices

So I was questioning the voices as to why they were trying to break me down, and they said that I was to powerful... could this be them feeling resentful towards me. Who knows...but the voices did have a problem with me and that is one of the reasons. Though I doubt this is the situation, see the voices also get a kick out of this and that's the messed up part that I see. I think its pure hate they had towards me and that is what I believe is the reason for they breaking my jaw and giving me tmj, and crystallizing my feet both of them and giving me gout, and not to mention giving me hemorrhage in my back of my head where the pimples appear and in other parts of my head, and the nausea and the gurd and skin breakout in my arms and legs and the weakness in my body and the tightness of chess and the bad liver problem, and the taste of blood in my throat, and the obesity, and the high blood pressure medication, and the constipation, and the muscle spasm, and the dehydration, and my decay of teeth, and the extra hallucinations, and the psychosis, and the sleep disorder.
