The trial of love: Gods test me in love

A long time ago I was told that ii would one day be my wife. I of course decided for myself who my beloved would be, as there were many choices for me to pick from. The problem was that I was in love with another girl, and her name was proxy. She was the most charming of girl d and funniest of the bunch, see I chose her to be my lover. Of course I was fair to all my girls even though to some I might of turned out like a disappointment, the demands were of the roof and later in the competition was illed hard. The situation was normal for a while, where ii was still hollering at me and my attention was drawn to many choices even though my heart belonged to proxy. Well things soon after got every complicated as the time passed by and the gods were still willing to set me up with ii. New members came to the voices and were there more frequently is what I ment to say, so the competition was real. Either way proxy and I sticked together and until this day she is the one I fanazise about and choose.
