Re assume web log: a return of a personal experience

Now I know its been a while since I've written on my bloggers account, but I will be sharing something new. I will be sharing something about what happen to me today, and as you can tell there is a whole bunch reason why I can't remember what happened on the days before that so I'm sure you will understand if I can't fill you in on the things that have happened to me ever since that point (the last post). Well still I want to inform you that today I found out that the voices no matter how much I cared for have no respect for peoples life. See I was going to walk myself to the "Gruta" as my mom calls it when it hit me the most interesting though of how the government can manage many ways and method on how to deal with the people but can't get it all down. Like when they the government told me that they can use bits and pieces from different places in a person as way of compliance. When all of the sudden I was informed the bad news most shocking news that there are people out their that would rather go against this and I don't mean in my government I mean in the government in general. See they would rather harm the people, and to prove that I even went and questioned why don't you like it and they just went on and threw grass on my face as he was cutting the grass with the grass cutter.
