The age approaches: Finally becoming a young man

Ever since I joined the blogsite everyone has known that My age has been an important part of my life. I mean the even when you are in the outside world youlll see that age counts as a scapegoat to law persecutions, for example if your below age you cant be charge with time you'll just get a tort part and that is it. I was wondering about those laws and I found out that being an adolescent would still cover me from mental understanding of certain things. Like for example if I'm still an adolescent at age 24 I wouldnt be really prepared mentally for certain things. well you can see how things can change from that point on, and to futhermore add unto the topic the voioces would respect these type of things and would back down if they were ever confronted with it. Well that is what 25 meant to me an end to certain benefits that could have meant the world and now is shifted to another part of life. This really is exciting to know for me and I've still haven't known what part of understanding is now present in my life and what challenges the voices faces.
