New home attendant; Nancy a lady to ask about

I've got a new home attendant and the reason for it isn't easy to exaplain. See the old home attendant went and found some better job and got herself in a more strainious routine than before, why? well because I had less hours with her in my home she caring for me in her job. she gave me more lip but she was a hell of a care taker and I say she had the best thought of me and that was that I was a good person for her and that she was a good person for me. Now I've got nancy and I say what is she thinking all these time when she sits there and waits for her hours to go by without a chour or a job to do... It must be comfterble. Talking about nancy their was a girl named nancy in the hospital that always had her baba or salaiva dripping down and I wanted to help her out so I remembered her for that.
