Day off-of exercise; Remembering a gov

To be without excersice was one of the toughes things I've ever done today, I mean just imagine I have a couple of minutes left in my day. Then why don't I finish of my exercise? well I can't that is why, see the rule is that you need to only excerside 2 hrs before bedtime aswell as the yoga the situps and etc. Well I couldn't make it happen because i was really on with the voices or the sz whatever you want to call it. I needed to know what to do with them and the truth is that they would really get on my nerves somedays and this was the day when that happened. The voices went on about the upper gov watching me and judging me about the behavior I had going on and so on and so on. Though they didn't know something import, uhm see the truth is that the judgement was based on what my mom would tell them and by that I mean ii or II a voice in my life. Afterwords you can judge before that come see me and discuss my moment because I needed to know if I was really messing up. This though didn't happen tonight see arturo was the one dictating the problems to the upper gov and to my understanding that is wrong. Its wrong because he doesn't get me and its wrong because he's against me which makes this impossible to get the best of things it will always turn out to be the worst and even worst after that. There is something I have to share though they are respectful these people and that is because they say theire apologies after hitting somebody up, and this proves to me that they know it hurt and that its impossible to get back what I have already lost at that time.
