Into the spidey verse: A new Schedule and Hopes

The day was early at first I mean I started like a good old day when I fell asleep again due to tiredness and exhasustion of the body, I mean ive only finished writing the one part in my planar that matter to that book. I had made plans for nearly everything and it turned out that it came out imposible to complete in the three days of rest I had for it. Thus the day went on and and I started to hate how my plans where defeated in the room where they hardly moved an inch onwards towards completion. So I tried pretty less this time around to push myself to make it happen no matter what, and to my understanding that is what worked and to tell you something it didn't feel like a mental breakdown or people pushing my thoughts out, it was more like an emotional feeling coursing through my body and finding its way to my kidney when it used to be the liver before but the liver sadly broke. Anyways it went there and it started acting out like it always does and the kidney plays around alot, especially in peoples brain when you get tired of getting hit there and the person or thing hitting you up gets creative and decides to multitask your other parts.
