what a success; The job interview that won

Took it way easy finding my self in my home near the time of my interview, I mean who the hell naps in the midlle of it all. Though little did you know that I was being under the influence of the voices and it was the most disturbing thing only to find that it was being mildly blocked by someone. I can't believe I had to dress up according to a code and for me it was the worst because I didn't iron any shirt or anything it was completely due to the memorie elapse of the voices where they would make it unable for me to think and completely occupy my thoughts like if I were a zombie or something. I have bad luck with the voices lets face it but I don't give up in trying my best and for their good too. Anyways I got to the car where they were going to take me to the interview sight and I again dealt with the issues of not being thankful enough which annoyed me completely, mainly because I like to be graceful and appreciative.
